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Check out adverb, preposition, and conjunction. You can also use the grammar pages to brush up on your grammar skills. It’ll help you gain the peace of mind that you’re handing in the best possible version of your work. Use it to double check your essays and papers for grammatical errors, as well as accidental plagiarism.
If you find it hard to get your head around grammar, the grammar checker at EasyBib Plus is a handy tool. See this book for an explanation that’s both simple and fun! However, we’d argue that the core function of language is expression, and these words do that in probably the most instinctive and authentic way. This is supported by the belief of some grammar experts that they are the least important of all the major parts of speech.

This word type can be described as an inarticulate or nonsensical expression of emotion, which suggests that they are a lower form of word-far less proper than a noun, far less useful than a verb, and far less creative than an adjective. However, while a sentence will usually function fine if you take away the interjection, some of the emphasis or emotion will be lost. This word type is also defined as being grammatically independent from the words around it-it doesn’t modify or get modified, like other parts of language. The correct interjection definition is that it’s a word or phrase that expresses sudden or strong feeling.